Get ready to strut your stuff with your furry best friend at Strut Your Mutt, The Race to End Animal Cruelty, celebrating 20 years Saturday, April 12th at Fair Park, in Dallas.
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
Keep reading for more details about this curious kitty!
Ragu came to the SPCA of Texas from a hoarding case back in May of this year. When he arrived at our facility, he was definitely not ready to make friends with humans right away. Ragu needed time to settle in and figure out what was going on.
Over time, Ragu started to get curious about these two-leggers who kept coming to feed him and try to play with him. He eventually began to look forward to their visits – it usually meant getting to chase after a catnip mouse or even get a little cup full of tuna!
Today, Ragu is quite comfortable with humans. He’ll saunter up to his favorite staff members and expectantly wait for them to stick their hand out for him to sniff and rub his face on, or dangle a feather wand above his head for him to jump at. He’s not quite at the cuddle-up-in-your-lap stage, but we think he’ll eventually get there once he’s in his forever home.
Ragu is a great cat for anyone who wants to build a relationship with their pet. He’s a super observant kitty and will be sure to sync up with his new human’s habits and routines.
To learn more about Ragu, and to make an appointment to meet him, please visit
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