FREE ADOPTIONS for all L.A. Dogs from February 4th through 9th!
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
We’re so grateful to you and your family for lending your heart and home to an animal in need. This page is intended to go over the important Foster Manual that includes policies and procedures we ask our fosters to review to set everyone up for success and keep people and pets safe and happy.
Please review the Foster Program Manual below, and confirm below that you have read and/or been provided the SPCA of Texas Foster Program Manual. We appreciate all of our foster parents for adhering to the policies and procedures outlined on this page. Failure to do so may result in the animal needing to be returned/confiscated, the inability to foster with SPCA of Texas in the future, or other courses of action. These policies are in place to keep you and your foster pets safe and set you up for success.
All fosters need to have a foster-specific application on file, which can be found at this link: This form makes up your foster profile in our system and ensures you are matched with animals that best suit your home and lifestyle.
If there are changes to your foster profile, please notify so we can update your record.
Foster parents are not permitted to foster for another organization while fostering for the SPCA of Texas without prior approval.
Urgent or not, e-mailing the foster team is the preferred form of communication. Having an electronic paper trail helps us keep track of all foster animals, foster parents and actionable items that need completing. Medical related e-mails can be sent to while all other communications can be sent to You MUST keep in touch with the foster department and respond to any correspondence from the SPCA Foster Team within 48 hours of the email, voicemail or posted mail.
When responding to foster requests, please respond and inform us which animal you are able to help, the supplies you will need, and a few days and times you are available to pick up.
Priority will be given to fosters who respond and/or can pick up the earliest.
The foster team will provide you with all necessary supplies. However, we ask that you please return them so that we can keep up our inventory for other animals. You are required to return all equipment and supplies when you return your foster pet. If you have supplies please use them so that we can use ours for fosters that do not have any.
Please treat all appointments as you would any other professional appointment and arrive on time. Arriving earlier or later than scheduled may result in significant delays in our ability to assist you. Appointments should be made for a specific date and time. We cannot easily accommodate time ranges (i.e. between 3 and 5).
Foster animals can be scheduled for pick up any day of the week. Appointments are required for all foster pick ups or meet & greets.
Since an animal being sent to foster may have an undetected contagious medical condition, the safest method to prevent the spread of disease is to ensure your resident pets are up to date on vaccinations and kept separate from foster animals for 7-10 days.
All returns must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance or several days notice. This is to insure we have space within the shelter. Please no unexpected same-day returns unless it is urgent. Please note that the due date on your contract is estimated and is not considered an actual appointment. If taking a long-term animal, please notify staff of any upcoming scheduling conflicts at time of pick up or as soon as you are aware of them.
(For when your foster pet has medical concerns or is due for a re-check) Appointments with our shelter veterinarians require at least 24-hour notice unless it is an emergency. The available hours at each shelter location varies. If you are unable to bring your foster pet during the available times, you may drop the animal off earlier in the day and pick up before closing, or the next day if that is more convenient.
(For vaccinations, boosters and tests) Please help us ensure all foster animals remain up-to-date on routine and preventative care. These appointments require 24-hour notice. The available hours at each shelter location varies.
(For nail trims, baths, shaves, etc.) Shelter appointments can be made for grooming when necessary for medical, behavioral or safety reasons. Elective grooming may not always be accommodated and will depend on the animal and staff bandwidth. If you would like to take your foster pet to the groomer, you must first receive prior authorization from the foster manager. If approval is given, you agree to take full responsibility for the cost of the appointment.
All foster animals shall be provided with proper food, fresh water and proper shelter. The foster animal will stay indoors except for potty breaks. Under no circumstances will your foster be left outside unleashed, on a chain, or in a dog house. The animal will be treated humanely by all members of the foster household.
As a foster parent, you agree to not dispose of the animal in any way. You cannot give the animal away to another person or organization and you will not abandon it. In the event that the foster parent is unable or unwilling to continue to care for the animal, the animal should be promptly returned to the SPCA of Texas. If a representative of the SPCA of Texas determines that the animal is not being cared for properly by the foster parent, the SPCA of Texas has the right to take possession of the animal and cancel the foster agreement.
Foster parents are required to administer all meds given exactly as prescribed by the shelter veterinarian. Behavior medications are not to be discontinued without the consent and instruction from our behavior department and veterinarians, even if you think the animal no longer needs them.
If your foster pet is sent home with long-term or indefinite medications or prescription foods, please provide 1 week notice for refills. We don’t always have their meds in stock and often have to order them.
All cats and dogs, who weigh 2 lbs. or more, are on a monthly heartworm preventative. It’s extremely important that foster pets don’t miss any doses while in your care. The foster team will provide you with the number of anticipated doses you’ll need to administer at home.
Please notify the foster department when your animal’s monthly dose is administered so we can update the animal’s medical records. It is your responsibility to pick up more doses when you run out and your animal is due.
If you receive an unaltered animal for foster, all resident animals in the home are required to be fixed and you are strictly prohibited from using the foster animal for any type of breeding purpose. If you have an appointment for surgery, please keep your appointment
If your foster pet is having an emergency, please contact a member of the medical team by calling 214-461-1945. If not answer please leave a message and someone will return your call. Also send an email with “Pets name – URGENT” in the subject line.
We DO NOT have 24-hour services available. Please call 214-461-1945 if you have an emergency.
You may take pictures or video of the animal to send to foster so that we can see what is happening.
Follow this chart to determine whether an issue is an emergency, or if you can email and monitor until business hours.
Exception: For the safety of neonates (8wks and under) please refer to the Fading Kitten/Puppy Protocol provided at pick up instead of bringing the animal to the shelter or urgent care.
Under no circumstances should your foster pet be outdoors unsupervised, even in a backyard. When out in public, your foster pet should on leash at all times. Dog parks are strictly prohibited.
Please make sure your foster pet is safely contained (on a leash, in a crate, behind a barrier) when entering or exiting the home, as many pets will dart out the when given the chance. For dogs, please ensure side gates are closed, and that there are no gaps or loose boards in your fencing before letting them loose in the yard. Do not open side gates while your pet is in the yard.
If your foster pet manages to escape, you must notify the foster department IMMEDIATELY. The foster team will report the animal lost with the microchip company. After notifying the foster team, proceed with the following steps:
Any harnesses, collars or leashes provided for your foster animal should continue to be used exactly as instructed. If the gear you are provided does not work effectively or gets destroyed, please notify the foster team and arrange to pick up replacements. In general, dogs should never be walked with a standard collar and leash, and will usually require a harness, martingale collar and/or Weiss walkie. Retractable leashes, choke collars, and prong collars are strictly prohibited.
If you have dogs at home, we often recommend bringing them to the shelter for meet & greets with potential foster dogs. In many cases, meet & greets are required. Nonetheless, it’s still very important to use caution and follow recommended procedures when introducing a foster animal to your resident pets. Also, please follow guidelines below when introducing your foster dog to other dogs out in public. All interactions must be on leash and supervised. Dog parks are strictly prohibited.
Animals and children should never be alone together unsupervised. It is important to observe animals’ body language for signs of distress and ensure children give them plenty of space when displaying these signs (ears pulled back, tight mouth, panting, pacing, cowering, hiding, barking etc). In general, animals should not be pet unless they solicit the interaction themselves. Regardless of an animal’s temperament or body language, children should not be allowed to hug, lay on, or kiss animals on the face.
You will notice that many animals have restrictions on their foster request or adoption profiles that indicate what criteria is needed in their homes. Most commonly, restrictions are focused around housing type, children, and other pets. Please pay close attention to your foster pet’s restrictions, it is required they are adhered to throughout the duration of the foster period. Any requests to waive or alter restrictions, even temporarily, needs to be approved by SPCA of Texas management.
You are liable for any damage or injury caused by the foster animal while in your care. The SPCA of Texas will not cover the cost of damage to your property, public property, or the property of others, nor the cost of medical care sought out for injuries.
Foster parents must have reliable transportation that does not involve public transport or ride sharing services. Please make sure animals are kept secure during transport. Dogs should either be crated in the back seat or confined using a seat belt clip or other safe means. Cats and other small mammals are required to be crated. It is strictly prohibited to transport animals in the bed of a truck or in an open-air vehicle.
SPCA of Texas is not to be held responsible for any and all claims related to traffic violations and/or vehicular law violations, any personal property damages including but not limited to the interior/exterior of your vehicle, injuries, disabilities, or death while transporting SPCA of Texas animals.
Any behavior concerns or requests for training must be brought to the attention of SPCA of Texas staff by e-mailing the foster team. Foster parents are prohibited from enrolling their foster pets in any third party training sessions without prior approval. Any training done at home must be done using our approved methods found at this link:
The SPCA of Texas practices positive reinforcement training only. As such, your foster pets should NEVER be punished, scolded, or physically reprimanded for unwanted behavior, nor should they witness these types of corrections with resident pets.
If there are any behavior concerns observed with your foster animal, it is crucial that you notify the foster team right away so that assistance can be provided before the issue escalates. Examples of concerning behavior are:
If your foster animal bites a person and breaks skin, it must be reported to the foster team IMMEDIATELY. Texas law requires that the animal be quarantined for 10 days post-incident. You will be asked to bring the animal to either the Dallas SPCA location or to a shelter within the city that the bite or scratch occurred. If unable to bring the animal due to schedule or safety concerns, an animal control officer or staff member may need to retrieve the animal. The victim of the bite will need to provide details of the injury, what led to it, and be willing to provide photos.
All foster rules, policies, and protocols apply to all members of your household, with the official foster parent being the primary caregiver. No individuals outside your household are permitted to care for your foster animal without prior approval from the foster manager. Day cares and boarding facilities are only with approval from Foster Manager.
Foster animals must remain within 1 hour of SPCA of Texas facilities at all times. If leaving town, you may not take foster pets with you without receiving prior approval from the foster manager. If approval is given, you agree to take full responsibility for the animal’s actions and medical needs while away.
We ask that you join us in making an attempt to find an approved foster sitter by alerting the foster team with as much notice as possible when you have a trip planned. You should also assist by posting to the SPCA of Texas Foster Heroes page that a sitter is needed with dates and pictures.
Due to the situations the majority of our animals come from, it is not likely for them to be housetrained when they get here, nor is the shelter environment conducive to house training-that is what a home is for. We generally don’t know whether certain dogs are housebroken and that is why we rely on fosters to find out and to house train the animals to help make them more adoptable. With frequent potty breaks and positive reinforcement, most adult dogs take to housetraining much more quickly and easily than puppies. Please click here to learn more!
As you share pics of your foster fur babies to friends and family, you may get people interested in adopting them. If you are fostering an animal that is available for adoption, then you are considered their Adoption Ambassador. As an Adoption Ambassador, you get to select the perfect family for your foster pet as long as the adopters meet the animal’s required criteria.
You should fill out foster facts and send any new photos and videos so we can update your fosters on the website. This is an important and required step to helping get your foster pet adopted.
Your foster pet must remain in your care until an adopter has completed the adoption paperwork!
If you receive interest for animals not yet ready for adoption, then please let us know right away so we can add a note to the animal’s record. Once cleared for adoption, the adopter you have secured will have 24 hours to sign the adoption contract. All adopters must meet the animals prior to adoption and sign the contracts in person. Your foster pets cannot be adopted and given as gifts or held for out-of-area friends/family.
As a foster parent, you always get first priority in adopting your foster pet! Just let us know your decision and you can adopt as soon as the animal is cleared.
Thank you for fostering our pet before you adopt! Please remember to keep your scheduled appointments. This animal is still an SPCA of Texas animal until adoption has been finalized and all appropriate paperwork has been filled out.