Get ready to strut your stuff with your furry best friend at Strut Your Mutt, The Race to End Animal Cruelty, celebrating 20 years Saturday, April 12th at Fair Park, in Dallas.
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
“Amazing” is the word that comes to mind when describing the SPCA of Texas June Volunteer of the Month Vanessa Rumsky Funaki. That’s exactly how her nominators excitedly described her phenomenal work with their team.
“Vanessa is a shining star and a perfect example of an amazing animal advocate. She is not only an amazing volunteer at the shelter, but an amazing foster parent!” one nominator wrote.
Vanessa has been part of the SPCA of Texas volunteer family since April of 2023. “I wanted to be of service. I love animals. I was searching for a cause for a long time,” she said. “I don’t remember the specific moment or how I came across the SPCA of Texas, but it called to me.
“So, I signed up to try it out. I will never forget orientation training, walking through the building for the first time, it was like I’d already been there a thousand times. I was home.”
And Vanessa has settled in just fine. “Vanessa is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met!” another nominator wrote. “She is here weekly, helping out wherever she is needed most, whether it’s with our behavior dogs, our foster team, or helping get our long stay animals adopted!
“Vanessa is not only passionate about helping our furry friends, but she is also so kind to every human she interacts with. She embodies all five of our core values every time she walks through the door!”
Vanessa notes that volunteering with the SPCA of Texas “has given me a sense of purpose and fulfillment that I didn’t know I could find. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity and cherish every moment I get to spend here.”
The staff feels the same way, as one nominator wrote, “Vanessa’s dedication and diverse contributions are invaluable to our shelter. Vanessa excels in assisting with adoptions, ensuring each pet finds a loving home. She has been instrumental in our Borrow A Buddy program, showcasing our animals to potential adopters.
“As a member of the behavior team, she works diligently with our staff-only dogs, helping them progress and thrive. She also expertly runs our playgroups, fostering healthy socialization. Her creative talents shine through in the engaging videos she produces, capturing the unique personalities of our dogs.”
Vanessa would like for others to know how special volunteering with the SPCA of Texas is. “It can be life changing, not only for the people you encounter, the animals you help, but also for yourself. And that’s a wonderful thing,” she smiled. “When you meet the staff and witness all that they do, you can’t help but be inspired to do more. Being that close to a family of people, giving all they’ve got to better the lives of the animals and people that come through their doors—it’s beyond rewarding to be a part of.
“Also, it’s not always easy. There are some really tough days. But you’ve got to keep fighting, you’ve got to keep moving forward. Don’t give up. Every contribution matters. Through highs and lows, the team is with you and what you do matters!”
What Vanessa does for our shelter dogs matters very much!
Vanessa recounts one of her favorite memories of volunteering with the SPCA of Texas—“Being a part of and helping to get one of our long-term stay doggos, Cinnamon, adopted! She was starting to buckle from the stress of shelter life, and it was hard to see. I had gotten very close with her from spending time together each week and taking her out on several Borrow A Buddy adventures.
“It was an epic rollercoaster, but the stars aligned at just the right moment, and a wonderful family instantly fell in love. The moment they said, ‘Yes, we’d like to adopt her,’ I think everyone stopped in their tracks and was immediately overwhelmed with emotion. As they went through the adoption process, staff members across all departments came out one by one to send her off to her new happy life, and I will never ever forget that. This team is awesome.”
The SPCA of Texas team feels the same way about Vanessa.
“Vanessa is a major help with Adoptions, helps our Behavior team, and tries her best to push out some of our dogs that need a home,” wrote one nominator.
“This amazing person goes above and beyond for our animals. She showcases them in various ways to help them get adopted and seen on another platform!” another nominator wrote. “She BABs and helps them get adopted. It’s truly inspiring how she appreciates the unique personalities to show them to the world.”
“Vanessa regularly participates in the Borrow A Buddy program by taking dogs out. I admire her passion and dedication to promoting dogs outside the shelter,” noted a nominator. “Recently, she created a YouTube channel to showcase the dogs she takes out through the BAB program. It’s amazing that she took the initiative to create a channel for our dogs! Vanessa is truly a blessing for our dogs.” (You can watch that YouTube channel here: @doggo-days.)
Vanessa has a special fondness for pups that have a challenging time living in the shelter. Someone she’s been working with is Belle-Belle.
“Belle-Belle came from a rough start, so it takes her a little time (and yummy treats) to trust you, but don’t be apprehensive about that,” Vanessa smiled. “Not long after, she blossoms into a curious, cautious, squiggly, dear, sweet goofball with the most adorable pointed ears. In the beginning, she’d withdraw if you got too close and now she kangaroo jumps right into my lap and it’s hilarious. What you gain from her love is immeasurable. It’s well worth the patience you put in.
“I want everyone to know that the Belle-Belle you first meet is her shield. Give her a little time and patience. Because the love she shares with you will make you feel like a one-of-a-kind superhero, and the type of bond you share, might be that ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ kind.”
When asked about the impact her volunteer work has made with the SPCA of Texas, Vanessa smiled. “I’ve seen incredible transformations of doggos blooming into their true personalities. I’ve been fortunate enough to witness the amazing moments when a family connects with an animal and knows instantly they belong together, how it melts their heart, and changes their lives forever. Every life here is precious and has a beautiful soul to share.”
The SPCA of Texas is oh so lucky that Vanessa has chosen to share her beautiful soul with our family.
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