Get ready to strut your stuff with your furry best friend at Strut Your Mutt, The Race to End Animal Cruelty, celebrating 20 years Saturday, April 12th at Fair Park, in Dallas.
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
The SPCA of Texas is proud to be the host organization for the North Texas LINK Coalition, an initiative dedicated to facilitating the North Texas area’s recognition and understanding of the dynamic connection between animal abuse and the cycle of family and societal violence. Animal abuse is often a more easily visible crime and the tip of the iceberg, which is why our animal cruelty investigators are trained to recognize and report the signs of domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse.
One component of the link between animal abuse and human violence is elder abuse. This usually involves neglect or exploitation by abusers who use threats of violence or actual violence to exert control and power over victims. Threats or abusive actions towards a beloved pet can be just as effective at manipulating the victim as threats or injury to the victim themselves. Adult protection services (APS) workers frequently witness these multifaceted abuse situations where both a pet and its elderly owner are suffering.
The National LINK Coalition has discovered some upsetting statistics regarding animal abuse or neglect and elder abuse:
More than one-third of APS caseworkers reported that their clients’ pets are threatened, injured, killed, or denied care.
Approximately 45% of a group of surveyed APS supervisors and case workers reported seeing intentional animal abuse or neglect when visiting clients.
75% reported that clients’ concerns for their pets affected their decisions to accept interventions or other services.
92% of adult protective services caseworkers reported they encountered animal neglect co-existing with their clients’ inability to care for themselves.
The elderly, ill and intellectually disabled are incredibly vulnerable to those who seek to exploit and abuse them. Abuse can go undetected when threats against the pet are being used to exert power. This is why it is so important that all law enforcement, animal welfare organizations and social service providers are aware of the link between animal abuse and abuse of vulnerable adults so that, together, we can recognize the signs and stop the cycle of abuse.
If you’re interested in learning more about how organizations in Texas are working together to combat this cycle of violence against pets and at-risk adults, we invite you to join the members of the North Texas LINK Coalition on Friday, February 8th for a discussion led by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Learn more about the event and RSVP here.
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