$14 adoptions for all dogs and cats from February 14th through 16th!
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
Dogs that lift their leg or leave pee accidents all over the house is not only frustrating but the acids in dog urine can cause irreparable damage if not treated quickly. Urine marking is a normal behavior in dogs, urine and feces contain pheromones and scents that your dog is using to communicate. There are several reason why your dog might be urine marking inside your home which could include territorial marking, fear, stress, and inadequate house training. You must identify the cause of your dog’s behavior and begin treatment of the cause and use the following information to reduce urine marking in your home.
After determining the cause of your dog’s urine marking, it will take diligent efforts and consistency to reduce the behavior. The first step is to remove any previous urine stains and odors using an enzymatic cleaner specially formulated for removing pet stains. Once you have completely removed any urine stains and smells from the home the following steps will help reduce your dog’s ability to urine mark in your house.
If your catch your dog about to mark, interrupt them with a sharp, happy tone and redirect them to something they enjoy such as petting or playing. If you think your dog needs to eliminate, and is not just marking, take your dog outside for a potty break. In some instances, you might find it helpful to place a potty pad if your dog always eliminates in the same place. This is not always a fail-proof as some dogs will choose another place to eliminate or they eliminate next to the potty pad. If your dog does use the potty pad in the problem area, after a consistent behavior has been established, you can begin moving the potty pad gradually away from that area and towards a more appropriate area such as a back yard or towards the door where you exit for your dog to go potty.
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