Get ready to strut your stuff with your furry best friend at Strut Your Mutt, The Race to End Animal Cruelty, celebrating 20 years Saturday, April 12th at Fair Park, in Dallas.
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
First time pet owners might not know some of the cardinal rules of pet ownership that can make relationships with both pets and people so much easier! Here’s a few ways to be a respectful pet owner…
Please, please, PLEASE pick up your dog’s poop! Not only is it a total bummer when you step right into a stinky pile of doggie doo, but it’s also a really easy way for disease to spread. A wide range of diseases from parvovirus to parasites can be spread from dog to dog through feces. Oh, and did you know humans can also catch a number of diseases by coming into contact with dog poop, including salmonella and hookworms? So do your doo-ty and pick up your dog’s waste!
Believe it or not, a lot of dogs are not fans of other dogs! Many of the dogs that come through our doors are brought in through our Animal Cruelty Investigations Unit and have past traumas that sometimes involve other dogs.
When you’re out and about with your dog, keep in mind that not all dogs are interested in being your dog’s new best friend. As a general rule, keep several feet between your dog’s nose and the nose of any dog walking past. Even more importantly, make sure your dog is fully under your control, with a firm grasp on their leash. The best way to ensure your dog can’t run up to strange dogs is to make sure their collar or harness is attached to a non-retractable leash. Retractable leashes can easily snap, especially when your dog zooms off in another direction unexpectedly.
If you do encounter another dog when you’re out in public, make sure to ask their owner if their dog likes other dogs BEFORE the dogs come within sniffing range. If your dog happens to not like other dogs, reroute your dog away from the approaching one. When that is not possible, when the dog and owner are within talking distance, let them know your dog is not comfortable meeting new dogs and ask them to pass while you keep your dog on a short leash.
Something a lot of people, even experienced pet owners, don’t consider is that not everyone likes pets! It’s also important to remember that a lot of people are allergic to certain animals.
When you have a visitor coming over to your home, there are some key things you’ll want to tell them beforehand. Maybe your cat hates to be picked up, or your dog is scared of strangers. That way your visitor can be prepared when they enter your home for interactions with your pet. If your dog is notorious for jumping up on people when they walk through the door, it may be a good option to keep them in their kennel when you are expecting someone to arrive.
All the doggone news? Cute cat pictures? Ways you can get involved? You bet.
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