$14 adoptions for all dogs and cats from February 14th through 16th!
THE Myron K. Martin Clinic is open for spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. Make an appointment today.
Save lives today with a gift that will go straight to work protecting and caring for animals throughout North Texas.
Volunteer and make every day special for the animals in our shelters. Give your time and heart based on your schedule and interests.
Ever wonder why some dogs seem afraid or annoyed by you when you first meet them? Often it’s the way you’re introducing yourself that could set your relationship with a dog off on the wrong foot. Here are some quick tips to remember when you’re greeting a dog!
Crouch down. You don’t have to sit, but getting a little closer to the dog’s level will help them realize that you aren’t a threat.
Lean or bend over the dog. The dog can view this as a threatening posture.
Avoid eye contact. Dogs view direct eye contact as a sign of dominance. Similarly, keep the side or back of your body towards the dog. Facing a dog directly can be considered threatening.
Grab, squeeze or hug the dog. Just like people, dogs don’t like their personal space invaded.
Let the dog approach you to sniff and investigate before petting.
Squeal or make other loud noises that might frighten the dog.
Some dogs are extremely well-socialized and love it when strangers invade their personal bubble. However most dogs have their own set of “rules” for meeting new people. It’s best to let the dog take the lead in the interaction so that they can show you what kind of contact they enjoy. Remember, never approach or pet a dog without asking their owner for permission first.
Now go out there and make some friends!
All the doggone news? Cute cat pictures? Ways you can get involved? You bet.
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