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Animals Needing Foster

Shelter dogs need YOU! Our behavior team has identified some pups who need foster or forever homes as soon as possible. The following dogs are well behaved outside of the shelter. All they need is a foster hero or new pet parent to take them home!

Some dogs experience a high amount of stress in the shelter environment, and these little ones are exhibiting signs of very high stress including pacing in their kennels and fearfully cowering, and some are even at risk for injuring themselves trying to get out of their kennels. Below are some additional signs of very high stress in the shelter environment.

Spinning or Circling: Constantly spinning or circling in the kennel is a sign of high stress and anxiety, often due to the lack of mental stimulation and space.
Pacing: Repeatedly walking back and forth in the kennel can be a sign of frustration and anxiety.
Excessive Barking or Whining: Persistent vocalization can indicate stress, loneliness, or a desire for attention and interaction.
Self-Mutilation: Behaviors like excessive licking, chewing, or biting themselves can be signs of extreme stress or anxiety.
Depression or Lethargy: A lack of interest in their surroundings, toys, or interaction with people can indicate depression, often due to the shelter environment’s stress.
Hyperactivity: Excessive energy and inability to settle down can result from the lack of regular exercise and mental stimulation in a shelter.
Escape Attempts: Constant attempts to escape the kennel can indicate that the dog is highly stressed and unhappy in the shelter environment.
Loss of Appetite: Refusal to eat or a significant decrease in appetite can be a sign of stress and anxiety.
• Breed-Specific Needs: Certain breeds with high exercise or stimulation needs (like working breeds) may suffer in the limited space and stimulation of a shelter.

Thank you for your big hearts and urgent help!

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Short-Term Transport and Foster Sitters

Short-term transport animals have been selected by a rescue partner organization and need a foster home while they await their travel date. These animals are NOT eligible for local adoption. Fosters get to be “pet sitters” for these animals, meaning you do not have to worry about taking them to adoption events or communicating with adoption applicants. While you hang out with them prior to travel, we can keep them from getting exposed to any diseases in the shelter that would hold up their journey. And, animals remaining in the shelter have a little bit of extra space and volunteer/staff time for TLC. It’s a win-win!

Animals needing a Foster Sitter are already in a foster home, but their foster human needs to be out of town for a short period. Rather than the animal returning to the shelter for that short time, we prefer to place these animals with a Foster Sitter. Each post will show the time frame needed.

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Healing & Comfort

These animals are awaiting or have recently undergone a veterinary procedure and we think they’d heal and recover best in a foster home. Click on each animal to see what their specific needs are. Our team is happy to help describe each animal’s needs in detail – oftentimes it’s just a cozy, quiet place to rest for a 2-4 weeks.

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Trust & Socialization

These animals are needing some extra time and care learning to build trust with humans. Fosters offer lots of patience and a calm environment for the animals to get more socialized in a home environment. Our Foster and Behavior teams are here to support you every step of the way!

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Moms & Babies

These animals are young moms with babies, and sometimes babies without moms. Because these infants don’t have the immune systems of fully vaccinated animals, we want them to be able to grow and socialize outside of the shelter environment. Our Foster team is here to support you every step of the way!

Interested in fostering kittens but don’t see any that fit your home right now? Join in on our lifesaving efforts by adding to our Foster Kitten “On-Deck” list by clicking here!

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