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Cat Adoption Application

Find your friend

Thank you for your interest in adopting with the SPCA of Texas! We look forward to helping you find your new best friend.

Please notes that most cats at our Dallas location do not require appointments and are available for walk-ins daily from 12pm to 6pm. If you do not see a form below this text, please clear your cache and reload the page. Thank you!

"*" indicates required fields

Cat Information

How did you hear about this cat?*

Your Information

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MM slash DD slash YYYY


Desired Characteristics

Please select the ages you are interested in.*
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Please select the personality traits you are looking for.*


Where do you plan to keep your cat?*

I will manage my new cat's need to scratch by:*
(Check all that apply)


Are there any other animals in the home?*

Additional Information

Appointment Information

Please select times you are available. Please note that Petsmart cats are by appointment only.
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